Discovering Treasure Through Stories




你觉得“让世界变得更美好” 这件事会很困难吗?你想尝试吗?

6/6/2020 喜悦园'读故事掘宝'课程的老师带学生在线上读了绘本《花婆婆》(芭芭拉‧库尼文图,方素珍译,三之三文化出版)。 花婆婆就是一个让世界变得更美好的人。

“花婆婆”的爷爷旅行过很多地方,她小时后就希望能够像爷爷一样到很多地方旅行、老的时候住在海边的房子裡。爷爷告诉她别忘了做第三件事情,就是”做一件让世界变得更美丽的事“。小女孩答应爷爷,虽然她不知道那是什么。在故事结尾,她达成了个人对爷爷的承诺,同时也造福了整个城镇的人。她用花,从她的城镇做起,让世界变得更美丽了。 所以,要让世界变得更美丽,不一定要做大事、花大钱,而是在于生活中的每一个善念、每一颗善心、每一个善良的行为,真诚想要为他人或环境付出。如果每个人都能够尽自己那一份力量,整个世界肯定将会更美丽。

这节课很感动之处就是看到义工老师们用她们的时间、精力、她们的心在传播善的种子,努力让学生了解满足自我的同时也要关心造福他人,激发“一生要做一件事情让世界更美好” 的心。


JLG teachers guided children, online, to read “Miss Rumphius” - a book by Barbara Cooney.

In the book, Miss Rumphius is someone who makes the world better.

Her grandfather had travelled to many places before. When she was young she always hoped that she could be like her grandfather to travel around, and to live in a house by the seaside when she grows old. Her grandfather taught her to also do something to make the world a better place.

She agreed with her grandpa although she did not know what that really meant.

At the end of the story, she fulfilled her promise to her grandfather by planting flowers in her neighbourhood. The flowers turned the neighbourhood into a more beautiful place.

This story teaches us that we do not have to do something big or spend a lot of money in order to make the world a better place. It starts from having a kind thought, a kind heart or a kind action.

If everyone can perform one kind action every day, the world is sure to be a better place.