Bringing cheer to migrant workers


Covid-19 Project Belanja, a collaboration between Blossom World Society (BWS) and Restaurant Association of Singapore (RAS) has been running since March. We are deeply touched by the thousands of donors for donating to help “Its Raining Raincoats” provide meals to migrant workers. Many individuals and corporates such as DBS and the Legal Division of the Land Transport Authority also stepped into campaign for #ProjectBelanja via

Here’s a speech in a DBS press release by Dipa Swaminathan, founder of “ Itsrainingraincoats ”: "There are close to 750,000 migrant workers in Singapore and only a fraction of those are in the gazetted dorms. Many workers who are lodged elsewhere continue to need assistance with food during this time for various reasons: they are in quarantine and not able to access food, they are without funds to buy groceries or unable to cook due to shutting down of communal kitchens.

"Our team of volunteers has been working around the clock to support any such worker who appeals to us in hunger through Project Belanja.”

If you are interested to contribute to Project Belanja, please visit:




#SGUnited, Together We Can Overcome! Thank you.