Thank you, 2017 Flag Day Volunteers!


Dearest friends,


I would like to express my sincere appreciation towards everyone for their support in Blossom World’s flag day event. We met a lot of joyous people who spread positive vibes throughout the entire day. Some people volunteered with a bunch of good friends while there were others who participated as a family. I would also like to salute friends with disabilities who joined in and gave their all. We are truly moved by everyone’s kind efforts and motivations.

Through this Flag Day, Blossom World has raised a total of $128,000 to fund our operations. This would not have been possible without your generous support!

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your kindness and involvement.


Yours sincerely,

Ong Yeok Chye


Blossom World Society


21 April 2017

BWSFlag Day