Blossom Children’s Programme




俗语说十年树木百年树人。我们把握自他可以学习的岁月,安排了线上课,让学生可以继续薰习《弟子规》和 <快乐秘方 data-preserve-html-node="true">。其实,在阻断措施期间,一家大小都关在家里,人们更需要知道如何与父母兄弟姐妹和谐相处,更需要用发现美的眼睛去发掘好人好事,心生感恩!相信学生和家人都有感受到喜悦那份真诚的关怀。


弟子规.泛爱众:“凡是人 皆须爱 天同覆地同在” 我们要爱护身边的人,也要爱护动植物、爱护地球。大地妈妈跟我们的妈妈一样,对我们每个人都有着深恩;没有她,就没有我们!

From March till now, the kids and parents in Aljunied and Toh Yi blossom world are unable to attend classes physically. Despite this, we have not forgotten them! 

As the saying goes : “It takes ten years to grow a tree, a hundred years to cultivate people.”

We cherish the time that we are able to learn, so we held online classes to let students continue to learn Di Zi Gui and Happy Formula.

During the imposing of the circuit breaker, parents and children were barred from leaving home, so it is even more important for us to ensure the families live harmoniously by learning to always look at the positive side of people and events, and to be grateful of what is available instead of focusing on what is lacking. 

I must really bring attention to the volunteering teachers whose hearts are truly sincere and full of love. Even though they have never conducted online children classes before, they put their best to prepare for the classes. It really warmed their hearts to see on screen the happy faces of the students and their parents learning together. This made them feel that all their hard work had paid off!

In Di Zi Gui chapter five “Loving All Beings” says: Love all beings, for we all live under the same sky and are supported by the same earth.

We should love and care for the people around us, along with the plants and animals, and our planet earth. Mother Earth can be viewed as our own mother. And so we must respect Her as we would our own parents.