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[Sunlight • 晨光] 第三学期 Online Class - Happy Formula 快乐秘方 儿童线上课程






对象:小学低年级儿童 (7-9岁的孩子)
每逢星期六 | 每学期 8 堂课@ZOOM | 学费$40 (不含课本/作业本/制服 )

请联络 丽嫦 6464 5116 / 8313 1544


名额有限, 报名从速, 以免向隅。


Joyous Learning Grove develops a series of moral education courses for children from 4 to 12 years old. These children will attend classes every week to learn about moral values such as filial piety, friendship, and helping others and implement them in their daily lives.

Through experiential activities, drama, stories, etc,  participants will be able to recognise differences in people and perspectives, learn values such as empathy, respect and gratitude and develop positive-thinking and improve interpersonal relationship.

Age: 7 - 9 

Every Saturday, 10.30am - 11.30am | 8 Lessons on ZOOM | $40 (exclude course book, shirt)

While children are having lessons, the Joyous Learning Grove team will conduct a Parents' Workshop to share a formula to building a great parent-child relationship

For further information, please call 丽嫦 ( Ivy ) 6464 5116 / 8313 1544

Language Medium: Mandarin