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2020 Blossom Children Holiday Camp ~ Loving All Beings @ Zoom

2020喜悦 ( 线上 )童心童愿假日营 ~童爱世界

点击阅读:中文 营队概要


人人需要爱,家里有爱,家庭就会和谐幸福。爱,要从培养爱心开始,从在家里培养孝心开始。《弟子规》说:“身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞”,一个人懂得自爱,就在尽孝道了。而从小懂得真正爱自己、为自己负责的人,才能做到爱人如爱己,爱护环境如爱护自己的家,这样我们才能让世界变得更美好!



  1. 关爱自己-认识自我的价值
  2. 关爱家人-认识家人对我的意义,学习善待家人
  3. 关爱环境-认识社区里让我生活很好的人,学习善待他们,善待我的环境
  4. 关爱地球-认识地球妈妈的现况,生起爱护地球的心
  5. 生活实践

  • 日期: 2020年11月21 和 22日
  • 时间: 早上十点 - 下午三点
  • 对象: 8-12 岁儿童
  • 媒介语: 中英双语
  • 费用: $50 (细节请看报名表格)


Loving all beings begins from loving oneself. Everyone needs love. When love flows in a family, the family is harmonious. Love starts with the cultivation of loving kindness and filial piety at home. Standards for Being A Good Student & Child said “If we injure ourselves, we will make our parents worry. If we do something unvirtuous, they will feel ashamed.” To love people like we love ourselves, we must be responsible for our own actions, not doing harm to ourselves, care for our family and the environment. This will make the world a better place!

The objective of

this camp is to lead the children to cultivate self-love, to seeing the love of their parents and siblings, and to be aware of societal contributions to their life, not forgetting what Mother Earth has been giving to all of us. Through a series of online lessons, games, hands-on activities, Zentangle Inspired arts and a mini-concert, we will sow the seeds of love and gratitude in their hearts while guiding them to put into practice what they learn.

Target audience: 8-12 year-olds

  • Date: 21 & 22 Nov 2020

  • Time: 10am - 3pm

  • Language: bilingual

  • Fee: $50 per pax (Please see registration form for more details)

We will send the camp booklet and relevant materials to campers through mail. Please register early to give us ample time to make sure your child/children receive all the camp materials before camp starts.

Blossom Children Holiday Camp 2020
Earlier Event: October 31
#I Am Remarkable workshop for YOUth
Later Event: December 12
Blossom Home Refresh (BHR)